Suitable for Professional, School and Public Library
Available Modules: Catalogue, Circulation, OPAC, Series and Acquisition.
Integrated Library System
New Generation Technology
Completely Web-based, client run on browser.
Web-based Application, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, Web-Printing Supported
Multi-lingual Support
Full Unicode (UTF-8) Support
Standard Compliant
Marc21, UNI-Marc, ISO2709, Z39.50, MARCXML,...
System modules can be tailored to meet the requirement of your library.
Modifiable parameter enable libraries of any type to create unique management system of their own.
Multi-tier Client/Server structure guarantees that Dimension will meet your needs now and in the future.
Multi-Libraries Support
Suitable for Large Scale Library and Multi-Libraries Library.
64 bits Operating System Support
Libraries have choice to run under 32 or 64 bits computer and database.
Clutter-free screens put it all at your fingertips for quick learning.
Quick Cataloging
Catalog with speed and efficiency. Instantly access to many open website MARC records.
Flexible design of functions and reports lets you be in control.
Software backups, updates, and maintenance are centrally managed.
Browser Accessible
Access to library resources anytime, anywhere.
Available wherever, you can access the Internet via a browser.
The power of the Internet with a SQL Database provides robust performance.
A complete suite of cataloging utilities and reports helps you manage all aspects of cataloging for your library.
Cataloging Functions
This Module for Libraries database centers on bibliographic records, so it's easy to manage your holdings with database references rather than clutter the bibliographic data.
- Create, edit, receive, remove, export, and store.
- DDC, LCC, NLM and/or your own classification systems
- Import MARC records from any source, including OCLC, LC, NLM, and more.
- Duplicate Bibliographic Report
- Print Spine and/or Pocket Labels
Multiple, Union Catalogs
- Affiliated libraries share a single bibliographic record, while managing unique patron and holdings data.
- Independent and union catalog search.
- You have complete flexibility to set up your libraries and catalogs to share information as you wish.
Dimension 800 for Libraries features a sophisticated Circulation system that meets the needs of libraries of all sizes. Librarians create their own circulation parameters, and have a rich resource of patron, inventory, and system management tools. You have complete flexibility to set and update your own policies. A simple, intuitive interface means that training your circulation staff is fast and easy. Multiple windows and functions are available to circulation staff at one time, to reflect the frequent needs for multitasking in this area of the library.
- Loan, return, renew, hold, trace, and recall items, overrides, internal circulation.
- Automatic overdue and fines alerts and other notices via letter, telephone, SMS and/or e-mail
- Patron Management - Comprehensive inquiry and maintenance functions; library controls whether patrons are allowed to make updates to their own records, change passwords, etc.
- Management Reporting - Dozens of relevant activity reports assist you in managing library operations.
- Circulation Functions: Loan, Return, Hold, Renew, Locate, Recall, Item Edit, Patron Fines, Patron Class & Cluster Management, Patron Lost Item, Circulation Notices, Patron Claimed Returned, Item Inquiry, Circulation Trace, Patron Fine Report, Circulation Parameters, Circulation Inventory Functions
- Reports: Activity Summary, Inventory Report, Circulation Trace, Overdue Report, Outstanding Fines and Fees, etc.
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
The sophisticated, easy-to-use OPAC serves as the user's gateway to the Dimension 800 system. The Web interface can be effortlessly customized by your library to meet its needs and reflect its image. Requiring only a standard Web browser on the user's workstation, the OPAC provides access to library information at any time and from any location. Patrons searching for materials or simply checking items on their library card will be pleased to find the system accessible, even during library system backup and reporting procedures. Dimension's Patron Directory Services can interface with a Single Sign-On (SSO) service - a campus-wide authentication method. The SSO service allows patrons to navigate freely between the Booktec products run by your institution.
Powerful, straightforward search tools offer patrons a choice of basic or advanced search options, as well as a wide range of browse and search indexes. Your library can opt to use the standard range of indexes provided with the Dimension 800 system, yet have the freedom to add or remove access points.
Logical bases offer patrons the option of choosing a particular segment of the catalog, such as journals, a single library, or audio-visual materials.
Unicode-based, Dimension 800 provides multilingual support. Dimension 800 users can interact with the system in any of the languages supported by their library and can change their interface language preference at any time.
A complete set of patron empowerment features enables patrons to perform a variety of tasks with ease:
- View current loans and renew materials, in accordance with library circulation policies
- Request materials by using functions
- Define a default interface language and record-display format
- View loan history
The Serials function in the Acquisitions/Serials Module provides staff with seamless access to bibliographic and holdings data as well as information on orders, funding, and vendors.
Staff can access serials data using a variety of library-defined index points, including ISSN, keywords, and titles.
Routing functions include multiple lists for a single copy of a title and tracking of routed items through the circulation system. When an issue is checked in, a routing slip listing the readers registered to the copy is printed automatically.
- Issue check-in can be centralized
- Changes made in subscription status (such as cancellations) are automatically reflected in the number of copies expected
- Category status such as missing, damaged, lost, or delayed can be defined
- The system can display subscription status information in the OPAC
- Summary holdings information can be automatically generated by the system if the library conforms to the holdings standard
- Serials receipts can be included in patron SDI profiles, alerting them when a new issue of a journal becomes available
Seamless integration of the Acquisitions/ Serials Module makes ordering, invoicing, claiming, and receipt of all materials easy and efficient. The Acquisitions Order Form enables staff to add ad-hoc text to be included on purchase order forms.
Dimension 800 supports a hierarchical budget structure with an unlimited range of funds and budget types - gifts, grants, and departmental budgets. A sophisticated, secure mechanism controls access to budgets on a global or individual basis.
Dimension 800 performs conversions of foreign currencies to the local currency. The invoicing component enables institutions to issue VAT/GST reports according to local regulations.
- Optionally generates item records when staff create orders
- Creates an audit trail in an order log, recording all ordering, receiving, and invoicing-related activities. The log includes the date, time, and name of the person performing the action
- Defers orders when the cost is not covered by budget
- Alerts staff when materials ordered cost more than expected
- Earmarks orders for direct supply to a specific address, personal or institutional
- Provides access to vendor information, budgets, purchase orders, and arrival forms
- Automatically computes discounts and added charges for each order on the invoice
- Invoices can be registered from the order, or orders can be registered to an invoice Tracking ensures that all lines are reported.
- Issued electronically or in print according to library-defined parameters
- Automatically generated for monographs and first issues of serials subscriptions according to defaults for material type, ordering, and shipment method. Claim forms are formatted as defined by the library.
OPAC demo